

Thursday, August 19, 2010

just thinking

Today is hot. I am not a big fan of the heat. I find it hard to concentrate. Especially when it is so sunny out. Funny enough, I love the fact that it is sunny for 5 months straight, but when it gets into the 90's, I am all done. That's where paperwork comes in handy. "I am in the office" is a true statement and any business has paperwork that has to be attended to and I am not one to shirk my duties, especially when it is so hot out.
Unfortunately, I am sitting in front of my computer with a blank head. I cant seem to concentrate on anything at the moment and I already had a frappucino. I figured if caffeine and sugar cant get me going, nothing can. Maybe it is the large sleeping dog next to me. She looks so comfortable... its like she is telling me that this is how you deal with a hot day... sleep must sleeeeeeeep
It is thursday and I am not going to take a nap (yet) but instead need to concentrate on two designs that I am presenting on saturday. I have managed to make two separate design meetings on the same day. What was I thinking? Two different couples with small children (and one with one on the way) who are looking to make their backyards kid friendly. And safe. And attractive too, cant forget that. And most people want low maintenance these days and of course, low water use.
I find that a lot of my clients in Los Angeles are couples with young children. When I was working in Santa Fe, most of my clients were older and generally did not live there. Their house in SF was a vacation spot so they were really looking for the 'Santa Fe style'. In Los Angeles, most people live here because they work here. On long weekends (July 4th or Memorial Day) the city clears out. In Santa Fe, holidays were packed. It is a very different dynamic. So peoples' needs are different here: they want vegetable beds and play areas, spaces for everyday use. My biggest challenge is to fit all of the required elements into a single space.
Hmmmm, I think I just figured out what to do......
So off I go, renewed from a bit of mental musing!

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