

Friday, November 26, 2010

Yes, I stopped to smell the roses.....

I walked to the library today to return some movies. It was a beautiful day, full of blue sky and the slightest taste of crispness on the air. I strolled past the Black Friday shoppers at Target and Best Buy, headed out past Ralph's and McDonalds, enjoying the fact that I was not driving, not shopping and not.... busy. I was enjoying the sun, the sounds and smells and the plants that I was able to stop and admire. I wonder about their stories. Of the people that have cared for them over the years. The people who have looked out through the branches from their kitchen windows, or brushed off the leaves from their cars. The birds and squirrels and other animals that have perhaps made homes and partaken of their bounty. It was so nice to breath in the beauty of a tree, a rose, some grass. Feel the life all around me amidst all of the bustle of our human lives. So nice, so very relaxing and so very recommended!

Here are a few photos from yesterday and today. We went out for a hike and the sky was so clear! This is looking to the west to the Pacific. The silver glow on the horizon is the ocean:

And to the east is downtown:
And this is some crazy citrus tree which I have never seen before:

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