

Thursday, July 15, 2010

too hot to think

Today and yesterday are finally really hot. It hit 103 in the valley! Luckily the shade is relatively cool. I am trying to finish a project today in Highland Park. Unfortunately the contractor is not finished. They always are days behind and I get stuck trying to work around them and oftentimes clean up their mess! This one is pretty good thankfully. He keeps a very clean jobsite, something that I appreciate. I just wish that they would have more respect for the plants. What is the deal with cleaning off your brushes in the shrubbery? A perfectly nice looking plant is now spattered and ruined. Drives me nuts! One very cool thing about this property is the fruit trees. There are several guavas, a lime, persimmon, plum and two large avacados with tons of fruit! The avocados won't be ready to pick for months though, nor the persimmons. Oh well. Later days

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